***If I Knew***
***If I knew it
would be the last time that I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck
you in more tightly and pray the Lord your soul to keep.
If I knew it
would be the last time that I'd see you walk out the door,
I would give
you a hug and a kiss and call you back for one more.
If I knew it
would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video
tape each action and word, so I could play them back day after day.
If I knew it
would be the last time
I would spare an extra minute or two, and stop
to say that
"I Love You," instead of assuming that you know I do.
If I knew it
would be the last time I would be there to share your day,
well, I'm sure
you'll have so many more, so I can let this one slip away.
For surely
there's is always tomorrow to make up for an oversight,
and we always
get a second chance to make everything all right.
There will
always be another day to say our "I Love You's,"
and certainly
there's another chance to say our "Anything I can do's."
But just in
case I might be wrong, and today is all I get,
I'd like to say
how much I Love you and hope we never forget.
Tomorrow isn't
promised to anyone, young or old alike,
And today may
be the last chance you get to hold your loved one tight.
So, if you're
waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today?
For if tomorrow
never comes, you'll surely regret the day,
That you didn't
take that extra time for a smile, a hug or kiss,
And you were
too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be their one last wish.
So hold your
loved ones close today, whisper in their ear,
Tell them how
much you love them,
And that you'll
always hold them dear.
Take the time
to say, "I'm sorry", " please forgive me", "thank
you", or
And if tomorrow
never comes, you'll have no regrets about today.***

Your Dreams}}

your dreams to the end of the rainbow,
fortune can appear in the image of many things.
look for their happiness in the form of money,
others can see it in a bird as it sings.
It all
comes down to the state of our attitude,
what we
think is really important in life.
Is it
what we own in
that count,
or what
is in our heart for our family, friends, husband or wife?
all around you at what makes up the content of your days,
and if
you still think that your rainbow is too far out of reach,
you need to understand all that matters,
from what we learn and teach.
remember to follow your dreams to the end of the rainbow,
your fortune may appear one surprising day.
what it offers and use it wisely,
for its
riches will reward you in a very special way...


***If I Could
Catch A Rainbow***
If I could
catch a rainbow
I would do it
just for you,
And share with
you its beauty
On the days
you're feeling blue.
If I could
build a mountain
You could call
your very own,
A place to find
A place to be
If I could take
your troubles
I would toss
them in the sea,
But all those
things I'm finding
Are impossible
for me.
I can not build
a mountain
Or catch a
rainbow fair,
But let me be
what I know best
A friend that's
always there...

Happiness is
like a butterfly.
If you chase
it, it will elude you;
but if you
leave it alone to be free on its own,
it will come
back to sit softly on your shoulder,
when you least
expect it to!!
If you Love
something, set it free.
If it comes
back, it is yours.
If it doesn't,
it was never meant to be!!
~~*Thought for
the day*~~
Love does not
consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the
same direction. ~~*Antoine de aint-Exupery*~~


{ In Memory
of T.K. Conger and Mary Lucille }

Dad Is Gone"
~~*My Dad
is gone, he's not with us now.
It's too
late to say, ' I Love you', or even think about it now.
thinking brings heartaches and tears of regret,
wishing for things I can't bear to think of yet...

Sure wish
I'd have gotten down on my knees in that direction,
With my Dad
who did it in spite of the hurt.
To pull a
weed, a thousand or two,
To keep his
garden as God wanted him to.
So spotless
and clean, he was proud as could be,
To show off
his spot, to all who'd just come and see...

He grew
taters, onions, turnips and corn,
Cabbage and
collards and tomatoes, enough for a barn.
A little he
kept, but most he gave away...

He loved
his swing, under that old orange tree,
So full of
oranges, it was a sight to see.
I'd sit
there with him on my visits so rare,
And look at
his hands so work
-worn with care...-worn with care...

I miss my
Dad as tears fill my eyes,
He was far
from perfect, but so 'am I.
God looks
at the heart, which humans can't do,
So quick to
judge and criticize too...

I'll see my
Dad again, I know,
'Cause God
in his word has told me so.
My heart
sings for joy,
He's alive.
All is well!
And with
Jesus he's safe,
This I can

So now as I
sing, "Amazing Grace,"
I see my
Dad as memories race.
Here, all
is still, all is quiet where he us
to be.e
to be.
No more
pain, no more death.
For my Dad,

{ Author:
Mary Lucille }

mother Mary and mother-in-law, Mary Lucille,
Cannot lose
the place they hold within our hearts,
Their Love
is all around us,
As it has
been from the start...
Even though
we miss them,
It should
comfort us to know,
That their
memory will be with us,
Wherever we
may go...*~~
{ We will
always Love, miss and think about all of those
who have
gone before us...Miss you Richie!}

sincere sympathy goes out to the families of
Wendell and
Aunt Elsie, who passed away.
thoughts and prayers
are with
you all today."
Visit this
site for a prayer:
~~~Guide to
a Happy Relationship~~~
each day, say one kind or complimentary thing to each other.
If one
of you has to win an argument, remember it doesn't have to be you.
shout at each other. Always speak softly.
be angry at the same time.
If you
criticize, do it lovingly, and in private.
bring up mistakes of the past. Only its pleasures.
the whole world rather than each other.
go to sleep with an argument unsettled.
be as willing to forgive as you are to be forgiven.
takes two to quarrel, and the one in the wrong, is usually the one who
does the most talking.
time to listen to each other. Really listen.
to compromise...

in a Lifetime *~~~

in a lifetime you find someone special.
lives intermingle and somehow you know
is the beginning of all you have longed for.
love you can build on