for dropping by***
Winter Season
everyone!! My name is Laurie. I hope that you enjoy browsing through
my web site and maybe finding something that is inspirational, helpful or
fun to you in some way. I am having a good time adding new things to all
the pages. It has been a challenge because there is always something new
to learn...***
~*~I am new
to web page design so it will take a while to get familiar with
how it
all works. I'm excited to have the opportunity to learn it!! ~~
Please visit often to
check out future updates and new pages...~*~
***My thanks
to everyone who has donated poems, quotes, site addresses and anything I
have posted. So many imaginative and talented people have created the
wonderful graphics that you will view. I enjoy sharing them with
you...Please click the typewriter icon below and send me a line when you
get a chance. I love keeping in touch with all my family and friends. I
hope in the future to be able to post some favorite things from all of
***This site
will be under constant construction***
Canon D~

Email: Laurie@lauriepowell.com